
COME 124 Poster Project:
I created this project in the Spring 2019 semester for Dr. Kretz’s Principles of Mass Communication class. I was interested in looking at LGBTQ+ character representation in young adult fiction and fantasy novels. The audience for this project was Dr. Kretz and the rest of my class, as part of the assignment was doing a small conference-style presentation. This assignment fulfills learning outcomes 1 (engage in communication inquiry), 2 (create messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context), and 3 (critically analyze messages).

COME 122 Scholarly Journal Abstract:
I wrote this paper in the Spring 2019 semester for Dr. Antos’ Principles of Interpersonal Communication class. The purpose of this assignment was to summarize and evaluate a scholarly article relating to communication and relationships. The article I evaluated was about interpersonal rejection and its effect on those with weight-based self-worth. The audience for this project was Dr. Antos and the rest of my class, as a short presentation was also part of this assignment. This assignment fulfills learning outcomes 1 (engage in communication inquiry) and 3 (critically analyze messages).

COME 322 Presentation Critique:
I wrote this paper in the Fall 2019 semester for Dr. Antos’ Business and Professional Speaking class. The purpose of this assignment was to attend a professional presentation and critique the presenter on their public speaking style as well as their content. The presentation I attended was about gender flourishing in the Catholic tradition as part of SNC’s Coming Out Week. The audience for this paper was Dr. Antos. This assignment fulfills learning outcome 3 (critically analyze messages).

COME 352 Dissemination Project:
I created this project in the Spring 2020 semester for Dr. Kretz’s Media Effects class. The assignment was to create a piece of media that disseminated information about a specific media effects topic. I made a website that talks about the ways in which the Harry Potter series impacted its audience and their political outlook. The audience for this project was Dr. Kretz and the rest of my class, but I also had other general college students in mind when creating the website. This project fulfills learning outcomes 1 (engage in communication inquiry), 2 (create messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context), and 3 (critically analyze messages).

Harry Potter & Politics Website

COME 490 Research Study:
I collaborated with Dr. Kretz in the Spring 2020 semester on a research study regarding the persuasive potential of entertainment television messages about sexual assault. We measured college students’ attitudes and intended behaviors after watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. The audience for this paper is much broader than the other assignments, as we have submitted it to journals for publication. This paper fulfills learning outcomes 1 (engage in communication inquiry), 2 (create messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context), and 3 (critically analyze messages).

COME 329 Final Essay:
I wrote this essay in the Fall 2020 semester for Dr. Glantz’s Political Communication class. The purpose of this essay was to analyze multiple political advertisements using ideas discussed in class throughout the semester and to include critical research on the chosen subject. I wrote my essay about horror framing in political advertisements and the presentation of politicians as monsters. This essay fulfills learning outcomes 1 (engage in communication inquiry) and 3 (critically analyze messages).

COME 468 Research Study:
I wrote this paper in the Fall 2020 semester for Dr. Kretz’s Mass Communication Theory class. The purpose of this paper was to engage in mass communication research while conducting our own studies/experiments. I replicated a previously published study about the relationship between Premier League fandom identification and aggression. My hypothesis was that those who reported high levels of fan identification with a Premier League team (team-specific fan identification) would report higher levels of willingness to participate in anonymous acts of physical aggression. The audience for this paper was Dr. Kretz. This paper fulfills learning outcomes 1 (engage in communication inquiry), 2 (create messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context), and 3 (critically analyze messages).

COME 467 Image and Sound Essay:
I wrote this essay in the Spring 2021 semester for Dr. Glantz’s Television Criticism class. The purpose of this essay was to analyze an episode or a scene of television using media production techniques and to explore the meaning and purpose of these techniques. I analyzed a scene from an episode of Peaky Blinders and discussed techniques such as lighting, sound, framing, and camera angle. The audience for this essay was Dr. Glantz. This essay fulfills learning outcome 3 (critically analyze messages).
