
English 212: Intro to Creative Writing (UWGB Transfer Course)
12 April 2017
Description: The purpose of this assignment was to write a short story from three different points of view, three different character perspectives, or both.

English 150: Intro to Literary Writing
Professor Westergan
28 February 2018
Description: The purpose of this essay was to utilize close reading skills and create a cohesive argument surrounding a character in the Rāmāyaṇa.

English 235: Survey of U.S. Literature 1
Dr. Clawson
26 November 2018
Description: The purpose of this essay was to compare and contrast two pieces of literature we had read, preparing us for our final project. We were asked to look at how these authors represented American nationhood.

English 334: Milton
Professor Westergan
1 April 2019
Description: The purpose of this essay was to compare and contrast similes from different literary works related to Milton. Then, we were asked to write our own poem using a similar simile and explain our thought process behind it.

English 226: Survey of English Literature 2
Dr. Toth
12 April 2019
Description: The purpose of this essay was to demonstrate our ability to build a logically sound, informed, and thoughtfully constructed argument that comfortably uses basic literary terminology and concepts.

English 305: Literary Theory and Writing
Dr. Pennington
8 November 2019
Description: The purpose of this essay was to look at a work of literature through a feminist lens and conduct outside research to strengthen our arguments.

English 307: Fiction Workshop
Dr. MacDiarmid
10 December 2019
Description: The purpose of this assignment was to write a complete and engaging short story that drew on the concepts of fiction writing we learned throughout the semester.

English 425: Advanced Seminar in Creative Writing and Contemporary Literature
Dr. MacDiarmid
14 May 2020
Description: The purpose of this assignment was to create a creative writing project of our choosing for an audience outside of the classroom.

English 236: Survey of U.S. Literature 2
Dr. Egan-Ryan
30 October 2020
Description: The purpose of this essay was to utilize close reading skills and analyze a literary text in the context of U.S. history.

English 489: Advanced Seminar in English Literary Studies- Charles Dickens
Dr. Pennington
27 November 2020
Description: The purpose of this essay was to hone all the skills we have learned as English majors to write a critical essay as a literary scholar would, conducting research and using a critical lens to analyze one of Dickens’ novels.
